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Pocket Things 1.0
Lots of well-known things come to life in anelectronic interactive application "Pocket stuff," which will drawchild's attention for a long time, and will delight all those wholove beauty in details!In front of you - a real entertaining encyclopedia for children andadults. There are many interesting things and stories about theirowners and inventors in this book. Do you know, for example, thateveryone can ride a bike in Holland, and the master of its’ repairis the most respected profession in the country?"Pocket stuff" application - is entertaining universe in whichobjects come to life, one is only to touch them. On every page ofthe book you will find an unexpected surprise or game, and thefascinating text by Katie Galitskaya leaves no oneindifferent.Those who love to look long through book’s pages and to findsomething new every time will certainly like the application. AnnaRusakova - one of the best promising Ukrainian illustrators of ourtime - has drawn a lot of amazing things that people of differentcountries and eras could carry. Magical drawings come to lifethanks to the wonders of animation in an interactive application.Thousands of details in the illustrations develop fantasy andpermanently draw child's attention!The application lets you listen to the text, voiced byprofessional speakers, in Russian, Ukrainian and English."Pocket stuff" application developed by Obreey ContentManagement together with the publishing house Glowberry Books, willbe a pleasant surprise and a great fun not only for children(recommended age - from 3 to 12 years), but also for adults.First-class educational application will help to expand yourchild's horizons and give exciting and happy moments to allreaders, attentive to details.Features:- 35 illustrated and animated pages,- the text is dubbed in Russian, Ukrainian and English,- modes of reading "I read myself" and "Read to me"- professional dubbing by American and Ukrainian actors- unique musical and sound accompaniment- interactive content which lets you resume reading from the pagewhere you left off.Hurry up to download the application: branded USB flash drives willbe raffled among the first 100 customers who download theapplication!
The Country House 1.0
Real country wonders! Dipping into the summer,visiting the cozy little house with a huge orchard, full ofsecrets, getting into a magical arbor – isn’t it fun? Opening awindow wide, picking ripe apples from a tree, catching a beautifulbutterfly, helping pa to fish or preparing fruits and vegetablesfor the winter with ma- all this, and more, is now possible with aninteractive book "Story of the little house ".Why do dragonflies fly? What do apples and tomatoes like? How tocatch butterflies? What does ma dream about with a cup of coffee?How to mow the lawn? And what makes a summer so happy? The answersto these questions as well as to many others are hidden among thepages of the sweet summer story about a little house by AntonSiyaniki.The main character of the book, a little girl, has first comewith her parents to a cozy country house for the summer. She getsacquainted with the magic of nature and incredibly beautiful worldof a suburban life, with the help of parents learns to understandand to love its quiet and subtle beauty.The magic of the summer comes to life on the pages of the book,revealing the secrets of life of the little house. Each newillustration - a small masterpiece you’ll want to achieve to yourhome collection. Amazing warm paintings by the artist ElenaDudnichenko come to life through interactive elements.The application lets you listen to the text, voiced byprofessional speakers, in Russian, Ukrainian and English."The story of the little house" developed by Obreey ContentManagement, together with the publishing house Glowberry Books,will be a pleasant surprise and a great fun not only for children(recommended age - from 3 to 12 years), but also for adults.Application will help to dip into the magical atmosphere of warmsummer days, thanks to a combination of wonderful illustrations,fine text, and exciting interactive features.Features:- 35 illustrated and animated pages,- the text is dubbed in Russian, Ukrainian and English,- modes of reading "I read myself" and "Read to me"- professional dubbing by American and Ukrainian actors- unique musical and sound accompaniment- interactive content which lets you resume reading from the pagewhere you left off.Pleasant emotions and entrancing reading for those you love!
All Things Yummy… 2.0
Obreey Interactive
Helping mom around the kitchen is fun? Sure!Especially if the vegetables jump into your pan all by themselves,a kitchen table turns into a jolly merry-go-round and a friendlycrocodile comes for a lunch to taste your fried eggs.The main character, little Lisa, enjoys learning useful, kind andnecessary things about a modern kitchen that every kid should know.Together with her mom she cooks various yummy dishes, helps washingup and cleaning up the kitchen, learns how to use householdappliances and lays a holiday table for her friends.“All Things Yummy to Treat your Tummy” is a miraculous andentertaining world where the objects come to life with a slightesttouch. They jump and fly, talk and emit funny sounds, do differentthings and show how to do them correctly. Every page revealsunexpected surprises and amusing games.Colorful illustrations by Olga Dehtyaryova that has come to lifethanks to the miracles of animation and a book’s text read byprofessional narrators in Russian, Ukrainian and English will bringjoyous and cheerful emotions and guide your child to newknowledge.“All Things Yummy to Treat your Tummy” was created by GlowberryBooks as an e-book app for a new multimedia reader PocketBook A10’’ with a 10-inch multisensory display. Besides, the book canperform on Android devices with a platform version 2.1 andhigher.Various animations, colorful games and tasks turn reading into alively process that holds child’s attention for a long time. Thisinteractive story will be a nice surprise and a wonderfulentertainment for kids aged 3-12. And not only for kids!This interactive book was created by Ukrainian publisher GlowberryBooks and PocketBook International — multinational corporation thatdesigns and markets consumer electronics and computersoftware.